Back to work: what can I do as an employer to re-engage my staff?

With more businesses in England reopening it is crucial how you support your employees and re-engage them back into your organisation.

Communication has been key whilst staff have been either working virtually or on furlough. We now need to adapt and change the way we support staff coming back to working in the office and allay any concerns. We need to diversify how we manage staff, manage health and safety in the workplace, look after their wellbeing and invest in training development so they feel valued.

Training development is key

Training may not be at the forefront of employer’s mind at this time however, we believe that this is a crucial time to create a plan for business recovery.

We are able to offer you a FREE no obligation skills gap analysis to identify areas of development across your business by utilising Apprenticeships for existing staff or bringing in new talent for fresh ideas and driving up your business.

We are able to access funding from senior leaders developing a strategic recovery plan through to operational staff for a greater return on investment for your business. There is over 500 approved standards to support all your departments within your business (IFA)

If staff have been out of the business for a while, investment in an individual’s development can re-energise, drive up morale and give them confidence that you want to retain them in these uncertain times. Additionally, as an employer you are creating a skilled workforce which will give you a great return on investment.

Get in touch with us to explore how you can access funding or indeed the programmes to support your training needs.